Friday, April 14, 2006

Mass Colympics

It's MY sport's day today and also my worst day pf the month. When this two comes together at the same time, it means dead end to me. Wuwuwuwuwu. For both months, last and this, my relative was here when I was doing sports. It almost took my life away. ;p Felt so tortured.

That's not interesting. Let's see what was going on the whole morning today.

The Mass Colympics. Whoever who named this event, you're creative yet not creative. ;p I like the name. Too bad this event isn't going to show on TV live. ;p

We were the juniors there. Everyone else seems like a stranger to me. I don't know them except for one or two seniors. Alamak. And i spotted a senior guy who looked like tan piao ching a lot. Hahaha. If i say he was piao's brother, i don't think anyone will think i'm lying if they don't know piao.

And soon, the games are beginning....

We cheered for ourselves. Yet, we were not so confident. ;p

The first game we had was the tug-of-war. The game we're about to give up before it even starts. We are all small sized juniors compared to the buffalo sized male seniors. How to win? Our group's member majority are formed up by girls.

See what i meant? Amanda is cooooooool! ;) Too bad. We lost in both rounds.

Next, the obstable course. I wanted to play but see, i'm not fit in the game. Sigh. Anyway, this is my favourite game among all. It was fun and excited. And dirty too.

We were in the second position for this game. Lucky we din't lose. ;p And last but not least, the football game. So bad and so sad that we din't manage to win again. I don't know why. I din't see them play that as well. I left the stadium earlier due to the hot weather that is killing me. Lucky i had my dear and my friends with me. I got myself cleaned up and rest in a air-con place. Phew. So much better. ;p

To replace the fun i din't manage to have in the morning. I went for a short dating with my dear. A lunch and a movie, Gubra. I thought i would be a nice movie like the previous Sepet as it was the Sepet #2. I was kinda confused with the movie. I'm just very curious about Jason. Will there be another movie of it? Maybe the part3? Anyway, what does Gubra means?

Want more pictures for the day? Click here. Note that there will be no picture of me except for one. Remember i was unwell? I look like ghost during the morning and i din't want to scare you. ;p


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